The Plague 2022 - Thank you!

The Plague 2022 is history. We had a fantastic event in Drammen, with a total of 44 players - making The Plague the biggest Old School event run in Norway to date.
Thanks to everyone that made it happen!

A total of NOK 2200 was collected for charity and donated to The Hospital Clowns. Thank you for the donations! The clowns help making the days brighter for children who stays at the hospital. Support their cause at

Be sure to follow Farmstead MTG’s productions on YouTube for recorded matches, or head on over to the Gallery page for embedded links. Also, be sure to read Åland’s wonderful tournament report here, and MG’s mention on the Old School blag here.

Daniel Ewald

Landskapsarkitekt og universitetslektor.

The Plague 2023 is fully booked!